曾隆盛 Laurence Tseng
Laurence 是少數具有海外中高階主管經驗的教練, 目前於美國德州 Dell 總部擔任協理, 帶領26位來自不同國家/文化的專業人士和資深經理, 具有豐富的跨文化管理經驗, 實際將教練學融入其團隊領導風格中。業餘時, 創辦 Aim at Life Coaching, 是國際教練聯盟 (ICF) 認證教練, 熱衷於提供職涯/團隊領導/生命教練的服務, 協助海外華人克服職場上的竹天花板, 以達成自我實現的目的。
其教練訓練承自加州大學戴維斯分校, 教練風格是非指導式, 透過創造一個讓客戶覺得安全、放心,而且支持性的環境, 來協助客戶探索自我, 並且透過合作, 一同分析問題的核心本質, 進而幫助客戶對於想成為什麼樣的人、想要擁有什麼樣的人生有更透徹的了解。
在專業領域部分, 具有台、美、歐三地共17年的專業工作經驗, 領域橫跨 IT, 數據分析, 數據科學, 通路開發與行銷。擁有政大外交學士, 台大政研國關碩士, 以及美國杜克大學 MBA 學位。
- 企業教練 Business coaching
- 職涯教練 Career coaching
- 生涯教練 Life coaching
- 領導力教練 Leadership coaching
Laurence is an ICF-credentialed coach with ample leadership experience in the industry abroad. He is currently a Data Analytics Director at Dell Headquarters in the U.S., leading a global team of 26 professionals and a senior manager. With a variety of cross-cultural team management experience, he incorporates coaching into his leadership. In his spare time, he founded Aim at Life Coaching, aiming to provide career/leadership/life coaching to assist the Taiwanese and the Chinese overseas to break the bamboo ceiling in the workplace and to reach their goals. He completed his coaching training at UC Davis, which shaped his non-directive coaching style. His goal is to create a safe and supportive environment to help clients explore who they are and what they want to do. By partnering with clients to analyze the core essence of the problems, he enables them to get clarity on what they really want to be in their life wherever they are. Professionally, Laurence has expertise in IT, data analytics, data science, channel sales and marketing in his 17 years of work experience in Taiwan, Europe, and the US. He holds a BA in Diplomacy from NCCU, an MA in Poli-Sci rom NTU, and an MBA from Duke University.
- 國際教練聯盟(ICF) 認證ACC教練
- 美國加州大學戴維斯分校 (UC Davis) “Coaching for Life and Work Certificate Program” 認證課程結業
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