將客戶團隊視為一個整體進行教練 Coaches the client team as a single entity
保持團隊教練、團隊建立、團隊培訓、團隊諮詢、團隊指導、團隊引導和其他團隊發展模式之間的差異 Maintains the distinction between team coaching, team building, team training, team consulting, team mentoring, team facilitation, and other team development modalities
對團隊發展模式之特定組合,能展現所需的知識和技能 Demonstrates the knowledge and skill needed to practice the specific blend of team development modalities that are being offered
僅在需要幫助團隊實現目標時採用更具指導性的團隊發展模式 Adopts more directive team development modalities only when needed to help the team achieve their goals
在執行與團隊教練相關的多個角色時保持信任、透明度和清晰度 Maintains trust, transparency, and clarity when fulfilling multiple roles related to team coaching
二、體現教練心態 Embodies a Coaching Mindset
在需要時參與教練督導以獲得支持、發展和當責 Engages in coaching supervision for support, development, and accountability when needed
保持客觀並覺察團隊動態和模式 Remains objective and aware of team dynamics and patterns
三、建立和維持協議 Establishes and Maintains Agreements
解釋什麼是團隊教練,什麼不是,包括它與其他團隊發展模式的不同之處 Explains what team coaching is and is not, including how it differs from other team development modalities
與所有相關方包括團隊領導人、團隊成員、利益關係人和任何協同教練合作,共同制定關於教練關係、流程、計劃、發展模式和目標的明確協議 Partners with all relevant parties, including the team leader, team members, stakeholders, and any cocoaches to collaboratively create clear agreements about the coaching relationship, processes, plans, development modalities, and goals
與團隊領導人合作,確定教練、領導人和團隊之間如何共享教練過程的擁有感 Partners with the team leader to determine how ownership of the coaching process will be shared among the coach, leader, and team
四、培養信任和安全感 Cultivates Trust and Safety
創造並維護一個可以讓團隊成員進行開放和誠實互動的安全空間 Creates and maintains a safe space for open and honest team member interaction
讓團隊將自己視為具有共同身份的單一個體 Promotes the team viewing itself as a single entity with a common identity
促進個別團隊成員和集體團隊表達感受、看法、擔憂、信念、希望和建議 Fosters expression of individual team members’ and the collective team’s feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs, hopes, and suggestions
鼓勵所有團隊成員的參與和貢獻 Encourages participation and contribution by all team members
與團隊合作制定、維護和反思團隊規則和規範 Partners with the team to develop, maintain, and reflect on team rules and norms
促進團隊內部的有效溝通 Promotes effective communication within the team
與團隊合作確認和解決內部衝突 Partners with the team to identify and resolve internal conflict
五、維持臨在狀態 (維持當下感) Maintains Presence
運用個人的全方位感官和覺知能力來專注在教練過程中重要的事情 Uses one’s full range of sensory and perceptual abilities to focus on what is important to the coaching process
在團隊和客戶同意的情況下配置協同教練,如此可以讓主要的團隊教練更加地臨在於教練會談中 Uses a co-coach when agreed to by the team and sponsors and when doing so will allow the team coach to be more present in the team coaching session
鼓勵團隊成員暫停與反思他們在教練會談中的互動狀態 Encourages team members to pause and reflect how they are interacting in team coaching sessions
視情況介入團隊的對話中 Moves in and out of the team dialogue as appropriate
六、積極聆聽 Listens Actively
注意每個團隊成員分享的觀點 ,如何與其他成員各別的觀點及團隊對話之間產生關聯 Notices how the perspectives shared by each team member relate to other team members’ views and the team dialogue
注意每個團隊成員如何影響團隊集體的能量、參與度和專注度 Notices how each team member impacts the collective team energy, engagement, and focus
注意團隊成員之間的語言和非語言訊息及模式,以識別出潛在的結盟、衝突和成長機會 Notices verbal and non-verbal communication patterns among team members to identify potential alliances, conflicts, and growth opportunities
在與協同教練或其他專家協作時,展現自信及有效溝通 Models confident, effective communication and collaboration when working with a co-coach or other experts
鼓勵團隊為該對話當責 Encourages the team to own the dialogue
七、喚起覺察 Evokes Awareness
挑戰團隊的假設、行為和塑造意義的過程,以增進他們的集體覺察或洞察 Challenges the team’s assumptions, behaviors, and meaning-making processes to enhance their collective awareness or insight
使用提問和其他技巧來促進團隊發展及促進團隊對集體對話的責任感 Uses questions and other techniques to foster team development and facilitate the team’s ownership of their collective dialogue
八、促進客戶成長 Facilitates Client Growth
鼓勵對話和反思,以幫助團隊識別他們的目標和達成這些目標的步驟 Encourages dialogue and reflection to help the team identify their goals and the steps to achieve those goals