- +886 0933-535-961
- 台北市中正區羅斯福路4段
- service@icftaiwan.org
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00
ICF Taiwan 教練活動分享會 聯合國於2015年提出《2030年永續發展議程》,確立17個永續發展目標 […]
ICFT 2024 Peer Coaching Program Peer Coach齊練習 資深教練來助力!I […]
Vous devez profiter de la vie. Toujours être entouré par des gens que vous aimez, les personnes qui ont une conversation agréable. Il ya tellement de choses positives à penser.
The MBA course has given me the confidence to move ahead in my career. It gave me the opportunity to step back and reflect on what I do, how well I do it and where I can improve together with the toolkit to progress.
I couldn’t imagine myself settling down so quickly in the “Masterstudy” Educational Center without the knowledge and experience that I gained through the Foundation Program
When I commenced the programme, I gave myself one year to challenge my thinking, change my outlook and choose my next step. This could not have been achieved without the remarkable opportunities and strategic tools afforded to me.