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In today’s complex workplace, organizations increasingly recognize the power of teams to innovate and drive their business or mission forward. Now more than ever, private companies, government agencies and nonprofit organizations are turning to team coaches to harness a team’s collective expertise, energy and wisdom to advance their efforts and achieve greater results.
As the global leader in the certification of professional coaches, ICF Credentials and Standards is pleased to launch the ICF Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC), designed to recognize the knowledge, skill and competence of advanced team coach practitioners. Sign up to stay informed about all things ACTC.
作為專業教練認證領域的全球領導者,ICF認證委員會很高興推出 ICF 團隊教練高階認證 (ACTC),旨在認可高階團隊教練從業者的知識、技能和能力。註冊以隨時了解ACTC的所有訊息。
By earning the ACTC, candidates demonstrate that they have met the rigorous standards of ICF – the most globally recognized certification body for coach practitioners. They also demonstrate the value they offer to teams and organizations through their independently verified advanced skills, expertise and experience. With the ACTC, team coaches prove they are competent and capable of providing the complex skills required for effective team coaching, including:
ICF 是全球最受認可的教練從業者認證機構,透過獲得 ACTC,申請人證明他們已經達到了 ICF 的嚴格標準。同時,經由高級技能、專業知識和經驗的獨立驗證,申請者也展示了他們為團隊和組織提供的價值。透過獲得ACTC,團隊教練證明他們有能力提供有效團隊教練所需的複雜技能,包括:
NOTE: Applications to apply for the ICF Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC) will be available in early 2023.
備註:申請 ICF 團隊教練高階認證 (ACTC) 的申請書將於 2023 年初提供。
ICF Member: $250 USD
Non-member: $350 USD
Not an ICF Member? Learn more about the benefits of individual and organizational memberships.
Estimated Time for Review: 4-6 weeks
ICF 會員: 250 美元
非會員: 350 美元
預計審核時間:4-6 週
To be eligible for the ICF Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC), applicants must document completion of at least 60 hours of team coaching education aligned with the ICF Team Coaching Competencies, ICF Core Competencies and ICF Code of Ethics. Team coaching education may be completed through one or more ICF-accredited or non-accredited providers.
Applicants submitting non-ICF accredited education will be required to provide a program syllabus or course outline with their application. Educational curricula may be reviewed to ensure alignment with ICF standards.
Credit for Prior Learning 先前學習學分
Long-term team coach practitioners may receive credit for 30 hours of team coaching education with additional team coaching experience and development through the ACTC Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) application. To be eligible for this application, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
Applicants for the ACTC must complete at least five (5) team coaching engagements within the last five years. A team coaching engagement includes all activities and sessions completed as part of a team coaching agreement. Engagements may include other team development activities (team training, consulting, facilitation, team building, etc.), but must include team coaching sessions to be eligible.
Those applying for the ACTC through the Credit for Prior Learning application must include an additional five (5) team coaching engagements (for a total of 10 engagements) with at least three (3) engagements completed five years or more prior to the date of application.
透過先前學習學分申請 ACTC 的申請人必須包括額外的五 (5) 次團隊教練參與活動(總共 10 次參與),並且在申請日期前五年或更久之前至少完成三 (3) 次參與。
Team coaching delivered with teams of more than 15 members must include a co-coach.
Applicants are required to submit a letter of verification for two (2) of the five required team coaching engagements. The letter of verification may be provided by a team member, team leader, authorized representative of the sponsor organization, or a third-party coaching body.
申請人必須從五個被要求的團隊教練參與中提交兩 (2)封驗證信。驗證信可以由團隊成員、團隊負責人、贊助商組織的授權代表或第三方教練機構提供。
Letters should be signed, submitted on company letterhead (unless prohibited by a confidentiality agreement) and include the following elements:
Given the complex dynamics of team coaching, it is important that practitioners engage in guided reflective practice for development and support. Applicants must document at least five (5) hours of supervision with an eligible Coaching Supervisor or ICF Mentor Coach with supervision training and experience.
Coaching supervision hours may be completed either one-to-one with a coaching supervisor or in a group supervision setting.
Coaching supervision hours submitted to meet this requirement must focus on the applicant’s team coaching practice but may also include some focus on other aspects of the applicant’s professional practice (individual coaching, group coaching, etc.).
An applicant’s coaching supervisor must meet at least one of the following criteria:
All ACTC candidates are required to pass a computer-based written exam. The ICF Team Coaching Certification exam consists of 62 questions developed and reviewed by team coaching experts and is designed to assess candidates’ knowledge and ability to apply the ICF Team Coaching and Core Competencies in team coaching contexts.
ICF Credentials and Standards has partnered with Pearson VUE to deliver the ICF Team Coaching Certification Exam. Candidates may complete the exam at a Pearson VUE testing center or online through Pearson OnVUE, a remote-proctored testing service that allows candidates to test from their home or office while being monitored by an online proctor.
ICF認證委員會與 Pearson VUE 合作舉辦 ICF 團隊教練認證考試。考生可以在 Pearson VUE 考試中心或透過 Pearson OnVUE 在線完成考試,Pearson OnVUE 是一種遠端監考考試服務,允許考生在家中或辦公室進行考試,同時由在線監考人員監控。
Please visit the Team Coaching Certification Exam page to learn more about the exam, access links to important resources and review sample questions.
The ICF Team Coaching Certification Exam measures team coaching competence, as defined by the ICF Team Coaching Competency Model (published December 2020). Passing this computer-based written exam is a requirement for candidates seeking the ICF Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC).
The ICF Team Coaching Certification exam consists of 62 questions developed and reviewed by team coaching experts and is designed to assess candidates’ knowledge and ability to apply the ICF Team Coaching and Core Competencies in team coaching contexts.
ICF Credentials and Standards has partnered with Pearson VUE to deliver the Team Coaching Certification Exam. Through its global network of testing centers and OnVUE (Pearson’s online service), candidates may either complete the exam at an on-site Pearson VUE testing center or in their home or office while being monitored by an online proctor.
ICF認證委員會與 Pearson VUE 合作提供團隊教練認證考試。透過其全球考試中心網路和OnVUE(Pearson的線上服務),考生可以在現場的Pearson VUE考試中心或家中或辦公室完成考試,同時由在線監考人員監控。
There are 62 items on this assessment. The total time allowed for completing the assessment is 2.5 hours, which is divided across four (4) sections. Sections 1 and 3 contain multiple-choice questions testing your knowledge of topics that are foundational to the team coaching competencies. Sections 2 and 4 contain scenario-based questions testing your judgment and decision-making in realistic team coaching situations.
本測驗有62道題目。完成考試的總時間為2.5小時,分為四 (4) 個部分。第 1 部分和第 3 部分包含選擇題,測試您對團隊教練能力基礎知識。第 2 部分和第 4 部分包含關於場景的問題,測試您在現實團隊教練情況下的判斷和決策。
The time allowed for each section is as follows:
General Exam Instructions — 3 minutes
Section 1 Instructions — 2 minutes
Section 1 Exam Items — 23 minutes
Section 2 Instructions — 3 minutes
Section 2 Exam Items — 40 minutes
Break — 10 minutes
Section 3 Instructions — 1 minute
Section 3 Exam Items — 23 minutes
Section 4 Instructions — 3 minutes
Section 4 Exam Items — 40 minutes
The passing score and all exam results on the ICF Team Coaching Certification Exam are reported as scaled scores. The range of possible scores is 200 to 600, with a passing score of 460.
一般考試說明 — 3 分鐘
第1部分 說明 — 2 分鐘
第1部分 考試 — 23 分鐘
第2部分 說明 — 3 分鐘
第2部分 考試 — 40 分鐘
休息 — 10 分鐘
第 3部份 說明 — 1 分鐘
第3部分 考試 — 23 分鐘
第 4部分 說明 — 3 分鐘
第4部分 考試 — 40 分鐘
ICF團隊教練認證考試的及格分數和所有考試成績均以分數作計分。可能的分數範圍由 200 到 600,及格分數為 460。
Team Coaching Certification Exam – International Coaching Federation
Advanced Certification in Team Coaching團隊教練高階認證 原網頁